The Story Begins...
The energy is forcing me to quit school.
Why are YOU doing this to me?
Why are YOU making me suffer?
I'm starting to hate you both.
I don't earn my living.
I ONLY earn extra pocket money.
What is wrong with you?
Do you want me to quit?
The End
May 1, 2009
Blog Thing
Hey man...
Short scary methaphorical blogpost like this has roots of problems deeper than few or many words can explain.
In support of likeminded people, if anything Dandelion n I can do pls tell.
baiknya korang.
nahhh... takpe. I'm here to express my anger. Nothing more.
Thanks for your concern.
asal dow...bunyi cam mak apak ko da bising2 je..hahaha...
siapa bro?
jgn la quit