The Story Begins...
Alex MORPH was fucking awesome!
I was fascinated by the whole set!
What more can I say?
In my previous post, I did mention that I might not attend the party but after some people put their hopes on me. Suddenly a friend of mine wanted to come with me. So, I said "WHY NOT?"
I fetched Faridah at Gombak and I drove straight to Maison. We reached there around 11.30pm. Familiar faces outside the club. I did met Gracie, Herbert & Trevor. I was so happy to see them. Gracie came all the way from Sarawak to catch this gig.
After we enter the club. We went out to grab some foods. Hahaha! We went there with an empty stomach but still, our party spirit was at the maximum level. While walking, I saw someone unexpected. My cousin's ex. He shouted, "SYAHRIL!" and I was like "OMG, please don't ask me about her." hehehe. That was the time when I accidentally destroy Faridah's wedges. Sorry :(
We drove back to gombak and grab her slippers, grab some breads and let the party begin at Maison.
We entered Maison again around 12.45 and It was loud, hard pumping, anything you name it to describe the trance music. Hey, IT WAS ALEX MORPH messing with the decks in I Love TRANCE t-shirt!
The club was almost full and by 1am, the podium was packed and everybody starts dancing wildly with their fist up in their air pumping with the beats.
Tons of familiar tracks played by the man himself.
He played "Turn It On" and flashed us his blue t-shirt with the word TURN on it.
He also played the famous AvB's "Shivers". Everyone was so excited hearing the latest Armin's single, "Going Wrong" in his remix version. Me, Herbert and Gracie was shouting singing the song. Hahaha. Not my favorite remix but i kinda like it last night.
Oh my god. I am a big fan of Sander van Doorn, and Alex MORPH played SvD's remix of Apologize by One Republic. FYI, not my favorite remix too. Sorry SvD, i think you have destroy the song.
Ok. What made the crowd go crazy? Oceanlab's Satellite! The whole club sang along!
Loves it! Of course, "Life Less Ordinary". It was awesome.
The best part was he played "Walk the Edge", he stood next to his deck and brought up more energy to the crowd! He wrote a note and flashed it to the crowd, "RESPECT. LOVE U ALL!"
As the beat went on and on, we didn't realized that it was almost 4am! Shoot!
Alex Morph, you are one crazy bastard! I was totally in love with your mix. It's no wonder that Trance is very special to you. After one massive night, all I can say is WE ALL LOVE TRANCE!
Kudos to Maison, Image Innovate & for making this one successful event. I hope the first appearance of Alex MORPH in Malaysia won't be the last one.
Alrite. I know that I do sound like a groupie. Stop it, Adli.
Adli Syahril says: Thanks to Luq for the entry and one big hug to Bad for forcing me not to miss this one great international DJ in Malaysia! Thanks to everyone who said hi to me. Aiman, Marlina Azmi, Shah, and those who I can't recall their names. You guys are awesome!
The End
Jun 21, 2008
It was an awesome night no doubt and no regrets! :D