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How should I start this?
Urbanscapes was totally off the hook!
I was totally enjoyed the marketplace.
I bought a shirt and a very cute cap there.
Performance line-up. Absolutely fabulous!
I didn't manage to see all shows but i'm fine with it.
Acoustic livehouse arena was too pack!!
I did met lots of beautiful people. Thanks for came up and say hi :D
Facebook-ers, Bloggers... Nice meeting you guys there.
Of course... Senior, juniors and friends too.
What did I got to see?
1. The Otherside OrchestraI chatted with Wan (the guitarist) on the night before the event. They were hoping for a very good soundsystem and stage. Well, u guys did blew us all with such great performance! I really really enjoyed it cuz I'm a fan! Ok. Not a groupie. I love'em because they are one of the unique band in the local scene. Like Wan said, "We want people to feel their money is worth the show. That's why we came up with The Otherside Orchestra." You got my complimentary ticket worth the show, man! :D
2. EstrangedOk. The stage schedule were given to everyone and we can stage hopping easily. After finish with Otherside Orchestra, It was the time for Estranged! I did met a few friends who doesn't want to see these guys cuz they still wanted to wait for Komplot. HEY! We have the schedule! hahhaha.
3. KomplotAnother favorite band of mine. These guys never failed to entertain me good. hahaha. I was like moving all over the place for Disko Tanpa Risiko and shout DISKO Oh Oh Oh Oh! hehehe.
4. KL StompersI was introduced to these guys from a friend. Saw them in his handphone. hehehe. But yesterday, I was totally awed by their performance. Nice music came out from a bunch of "instruments". Believe me, it was not them for causing the rain.
5. Rather Peculiar Theater Presents Rather Peculiar Improv & Some (Al)Ready Made SketchesWhat a long name to remember? Had to check out the Urbanscapes' website. Well, I'm not pretty sure by the name but we did check the schedule and it was played before Shannon Shah's performance. Hope i got this right. :P Actually, we wanted to see the Acoustic Livehouse but it was full since MIA PALENCIA's performance! Damn. We couldn't even see anything from the door. Too many people blocking it. :(
But, we did love the play :D
6. EstrellaAnother favorite. NOT because of the bassist was my housemate but they really play good music. Very relaxing and soothing. Hey, i'm not old yet!
7. LAPSAPLapsap in the house, y'all! Earlier that day, I wanted to buy the lapsap shoe but Blink said they doesn't have my size. Shit.
8. BittersweetLet's Burn Berlin Down with Bittersweet! Hahahah! If you hate them... You are a capital L (loser!) hahahah. No offense. Memain jer :P
9. DJ VanYeah! Mr. Van Chai dropped some good beats. Great set u gave us at Capital FM and it didn't let us down at Urbanscapes.
10. Twilight ActiongirlWe needed to chill for a drink. So we decided to enjoy the music by TAG! Wohooo... Everyone gone hoooo-weeee. Even Rudy of went crazy for Metallica's Seek & Destroy. Oh, it was so good listening to Star Guitar as well.
11. Bass AgentsThe XPax Box turnout to be an underground hard dancer meet-ups. Awesome lightings! Even better than nightclubs! Many kids with the Baxx shirt. All three "Agents" came to smack us hard! Ganjaguru, Xt-acid and Didjital. I went all out once they drop Kamui's Electro Slut in A*S*Y*S remix.
12. The TimesOh my god. This is the band that made me happy in my school days. It's great to see them live again. They didn't play the ol' Pesona Algebra :(
I had fun. The best part was... I got the chance to meet my editor. Finally! Hehehe.
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Hi everyone!
Adli Syahril made a last minute plan again last night for attending the Urbanscapes' pre-party at Zouk.
I admit.
I was a bit tired for the 4 hours party at Maison the night before.
Hey, it was Alex MORPH! Whaddyaexpect?
But then after thinking of getting the free Urbanscapes ticket, me, aisyah & anis planned to go to the party. Heheheh.
And of course, my favorite duo, LAPSAP spun some good shit! Same goes with DJ Inquisitive.
It was f**king good! Dancing and jumping to musics from Justice, Digitalism, Simian Mobile Disco and etc. Hahahah! I love electro!
Thanks to Blink for the free ticket to Urbanscapes!
The party blogger, Coolerclubbers team was there too! Here's a photo of me and Coolerfuzz! hehehe.
So, guys! Head down to Urbanscapes 2008 this Saturday at KLPAC, Sentul!
It's an all-day creative art festival from all the music, arts, film, theater, and shopping.
I did went to the event once in 2004 (Form 5) and it was awesome but the event got shut down by 12am because the next day was Raya Haji.
What's there at Urbanscapes?
1. The XPax Lawn StageMy choice: Estrella, Bittersweet & TWKUA.
2. The XPAX BoxMy choice: The Otherside Orchestra, Komplot, Goldfish & T-Bone presents Spaceship, DJ Van & Bass Agents
3. Acoustic LivehouseMy choice: Yuna & Mia Palencia!
4. The LakesideMy choice: LAPSAP! TAG!
Besides 4 stages of music, you can also enjoy our own local indie movies such as Flower in the Pocket, Ciplak, 10 Tahun Sebelum Merdeka, My Indie Rock Darling and etc...
Plus, open your eyes and mind at their Gallery section. Lastly, of course, THE MARKETPLACE! More than 70 stalls. I'm so going to the Kraftgrafik X Lapsap's junkyard! hahaha.
Where to get the ticket?
Pre-sale tickets for Urbanscapes are now available at RM25!!
Buy the pre-sale tickets for Urbanscapes to get an RM10 discount off the regular price*! You can get them at:
- KLPAC box-office (03-4047 9000)
- The Actors Studio box-office @ Bangsar Shopping Centre (03-2094 9400)
How to get to Urbanscapes? easy! Just read the map! Can't read? Click it for a full view.

Let's watch the video promo of Urbanscapes done by Shermen Mukhtar.
Urbanscapes 2008 from Shermen Mukhtar on Vimeo.
So what are you waiting for? Grab your tickets now!
For more info, log on to
Adli Syahril says: Come what may! I'll escape from my parents for Urbanscapes 2008!
Photo Source: my own, Zouk's website & Urbanscapes' website
Info Source: Urbanscapes
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Alex MORPH was fucking awesome!
I was fascinated by the whole set!
What more can I say?
In my previous post, I did mention that I might not attend the party but after some people put their hopes on me. Suddenly a friend of mine wanted to come with me. So, I said "WHY NOT?"
I fetched Faridah at Gombak and I drove straight to Maison. We reached there around 11.30pm. Familiar faces outside the club. I did met Gracie, Herbert & Trevor. I was so happy to see them. Gracie came all the way from Sarawak to catch this gig.
After we enter the club. We went out to grab some foods. Hahaha! We went there with an empty stomach but still, our party spirit was at the maximum level. While walking, I saw someone unexpected. My cousin's ex. He shouted, "SYAHRIL!" and I was like "OMG, please don't ask me about her." hehehe. That was the time when I accidentally destroy Faridah's wedges. Sorry :(
We drove back to gombak and grab her slippers, grab some breads and let the party begin at Maison.
We entered Maison again around 12.45 and It was loud, hard pumping, anything you name it to describe the trance music. Hey, IT WAS ALEX MORPH messing with the decks in I Love TRANCE t-shirt!
The club was almost full and by 1am, the podium was packed and everybody starts dancing wildly with their fist up in their air pumping with the beats.
Tons of familiar tracks played by the man himself.
He played "Turn It On" and flashed us his blue t-shirt with the word TURN on it.
He also played the famous AvB's "Shivers". Everyone was so excited hearing the latest Armin's single, "Going Wrong" in his remix version. Me, Herbert and Gracie was shouting singing the song. Hahaha. Not my favorite remix but i kinda like it last night.
Oh my god. I am a big fan of Sander van Doorn, and Alex MORPH played SvD's remix of Apologize by One Republic. FYI, not my favorite remix too. Sorry SvD, i think you have destroy the song.
Ok. What made the crowd go crazy? Oceanlab's Satellite! The whole club sang along!
Loves it! Of course, "Life Less Ordinary". It was awesome.
The best part was he played "Walk the Edge", he stood next to his deck and brought up more energy to the crowd! He wrote a note and flashed it to the crowd, "RESPECT. LOVE U ALL!"
As the beat went on and on, we didn't realized that it was almost 4am! Shoot!
Alex Morph, you are one crazy bastard! I was totally in love with your mix. It's no wonder that Trance is very special to you. After one massive night, all I can say is WE ALL LOVE TRANCE!
Kudos to Maison, Image Innovate & for making this one successful event. I hope the first appearance of Alex MORPH in Malaysia won't be the last one.
Alrite. I know that I do sound like a groupie. Stop it, Adli.
Adli Syahril says: Thanks to Luq for the entry and one big hug to Bad for forcing me not to miss this one great international DJ in Malaysia! Thanks to everyone who said hi to me. Aiman, Marlina Azmi, Shah, and those who I can't recall their names. You guys are awesome!
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I'm officially 21.
No longer afraid of police raids.
Thanks guys for the bloody surprise in Tioman.
I won't be posting any photo of it.
But let me show you the image of my birthday cake.
So sweet of them. They put my ciggie on top like a candle. :DHello there Marlboro! Meet Sm****ff!
Happy Birthday to me.
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Read the title!
Wondering when is it going to be open?
Some rumors said the corporate launch was on the 13th June with Pete Tong or some other MoS DJ like Judge Jules gonna cut the ribbon. Public launch on the 15th and whatsoever.
So here it is guys.
The people from Euphoria have sent me an e-mail to answer your curiosity!
Hi there,
Thank you for your interest in Euphoria by Ministry of Sound. Our opening is on 2nd of July and it's open to public. For information on other nights,
Wednesday 2nd July
Theme: Milkshake
Music: An Urban Clash. NY,LA, KL and Miami Rap, Krunk, Hip-Hop, Baltimore, Reggaeton and Grime.
Thursday 3rd July
Theme: Mixtape
Music: Open Format is just that, Djs mixing any styles together. Nu Rave, Hip-Hop, House and Rock. A fusion that is fresh...Yet strangely familiar.Friday 4th July
Theme: Move
Music: Harder, Faster, Darker...A voyage into the dark side of the 4:4 beat, House, Minimal, Prog, Techno, Trance and London's latest groove - Bassline.Saturday 5th July
Theme: Electro Ballroom
Music: A sophisticated Saturday night partycrowd that want the friendlier side of house. Anticipate anything from the present day favorite, Electro, to the resurgent Jackin'House sound.Door Charges:-
Wednesday, Thursday - RM40
Friday, Saturday - RM50
(Door Charges include 1 drink)For more information, you can always call us @ 03-7495 1788
Thank you.
The Management
Need more info?
It's online now and you can register yourself as the member of Euphoria!
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Hello guys!
In conjunction with Alex M.O.R.P.H.'s upcoming gig, check out the recent interview done by! It's official!
1] We admire the state of Engineering technology from Germany, so do share with us the formula behind the production name M.O.R.P.H, how was it designed or engineered?
The name itself? Well, I had a fav track in the early years i started dj-ing which was from spicelab called “amorph”. It kicked me totally out of the roof. I liked it so much that i thought about some options to modulate it for me. Also is amorph the meaning for: unformed, formless, which means for me not to be categorized in the way to look. In these early years i really often changed my style in case of clothes, haircut , etc. So Amorph was the perfect thing for me. That was the origin-hour of the Alex M.o.r.p.h. thing. The dots were there just to look special, sorry, no big mysterious story about the dots, ;)
2] What do you think of the current Electronic Dance Music scene?
It looks really good – all over the world! Our music has a huge platform, it’s presented on the biggest events ever, and the people want to dance to exactly THIS kind of music.
So, it’s not as bad as some people try to make it, and the music gets more & more fans every day. Productions are going more and more High Level Standard, which is amazing. New Plugins and Technical Steps forward make this possible. All Options open.
3] What makes trance music so special to you? If it is not trance what music will you choose?
I’m open to a very broad palette of music styles, but the Trance genre hit me so hard, I just can’t let it go. It can drive you wild, it can touch your soul, and it can guide you through a hard day, making it a lot easier. Best way to bring Emotions into Music Language, thats the reason I Love Trance!
4] Do share with us your best performing experience that you won't forget too soon.
Whew, there have been quite a few in the last months and years. Very hard to choose. Both (club events and the big festivals) had their highlights which I will remember all my life…, Gatecrasher, Coloursfest, Mayday, TranceEnergy, hmmm, Stadium of Sound in Poznan was Amazing aswell and very special, all Night Open Air in a Football Stadium in a City Centre with 30.000 people, one Stage and 110 DB ,whhhooooohhhh.
I am Happy to return this Year againto that Event.
5] With over 80 remixes and 30 tracks under your productions, share with us your top 3 instruments and software which you mostly use in your production.
Hard to choose a top 3, as I always try new sounds/instruments to keep moving. I love Apple’s Logic Pro as a complete production package, which is simply an amazing collection of tools (effects, instruments, sequencer, samples, etc).
And I love Ableton Live more and more. I get so much more creative with it and the software is amazing me everytime again. A truly powerful engine for DJing and producing!
My fav Plug In: Ohm Boys
6] The favorite track of your own? why is it so special to you?
In the Moment i have a Top 3, Sorry, cant really choose, cause i am standing behind all my stuff, but these are my baby`s in the moment:
Paul van Dyk feat. Rae Garvey – Let Go – Alex M.o.r.p.h. Rmx
Armin van Buuren feat. Chris Jones – Going Wrong – Alex M.o.r.p.h. b2b Woody van Eyden Rmx, and my new Single “Walk the Edge” which gives me the feeling of the times of Gouryella – Ligaya back.
7] We are keen to find out M.O.R.P.H's relationship with Rank 1, and how did "Life Less Ordinary" was produced?
We know each other since a very long time, and we always talked about making a track together. Some day they sent over those fantastic string melody, and we started to produce something special around it. The rest is history: Life Less Ordinary was born!
8] If you were to choose a vocal artist for your next production, which artist do you want to work with?
It depends! The voice character has to fit the production and everything has to be in line to make it perfect. But i really would Love to work with Ruth Ann from Olive and Johnny Mc Daid, to point 2 of my wishlist.
9] With your great production experience who would you nominate as the no. 1 producer in the electronic dance music industry?
Junkie XL is one of the Guys i look up to, and Jean Michel Jarre for his Pioneer work.
10] In your professional opinion, what would be the key elements to being a successful DJ and Producer?
That would be talent, passion, constancy, patience, luck, quality a good marketing/management, and you need to love it !!!!!!!
11] We believe this is a very common question and however do share with us your top 5 tracks at the moment :)
Armin van Buuren/DJ Shah - Going Wrong (Alex M.O.R.P.H. B2B Woody van Eyden Remix)
Myon - Albion
Paul van Dyk feat. Rae Garvey – Let Go – Alex M.o.r.p.h. Rmx
Alex M.O.R.P.H. – Walk the Edge
Temple One – World Beyond
12] Just for leisure do tell us your favorite food and favorite electronic gadget.
My favourite food in the moment is Indian-Food
My favourite electronic gadget is my Mac-Book
13] Even before this opportunity to spin in Kuala Lumpur, have you ever heard of our country Malaysia?
Of course I know Malaysia!!! ;-)
I even had a Stop-Over in Kuala Lumpur, but only at the airport when I was travelling to Australia in January. I’m happy to stay a bit longer this time, and so looking forward to it.
Heared so much good things about it, and the response on the internet about my visit is immense.
14] Before the final question, what can we expect for your upcoming gig in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Well, you better expect some M.O.R.P.H. energy to hit you! I will do my best to keep up the quality and satisfy the people! Known stuff from my side and my favourite tunes combined with the m.o.r.p.h. flavour.Will be a great night, so make sure the club will be ramped ;)))))))))))))))))))))))
15] Finally, your closing statements to your fans and Electronic Dance Music people of Malaysia who will attend your gig on 20th June @ Maison.
What can I say?? I’m really looking forward to this gig and hope to see you there! I’m always thankful to my fans who support me in this world and maybe I can have a nice little chat with some of you! CHEERS! M.O.R.P.H.
Wow. He's very keen to perform here! So, grab your tickets now. The selling of pre-sale ticket ends really soon. Today (Wednesday) to be precise!
20th June 2008
Maison, Kuala Lumpur
Pre-sale: RM30
Door price: RM40 (Ladies), RM50 (Men)
Table reservation, please call 03-26983328
Adli Syahril says: I might not be going to this must-not-miss event. No friends to attend it with.
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Hello everyone!
Just recent I browsed through the ticketpro's website and guess what I've found?
Venue: Bukit Kiara Equestrian Polo Field, KL
Date: 16th August 2008
The full detail is to be announce soon. Even the official website is not online yet.
The line-up looks good to me.
Peterpan (again!?), Sheila On 7 (THIS IS A MUST!), Samsons (HELL YEAH!), Slank (Whoah!), Ungu (wow!), Dewi-Dewi (*whistling*) and local favorites, Hujan & Meet Uncle Hussain.


iTalk Rocks Pesta Malam Indonesia 2 concert is coming to you soon! Happening on 16th August 2008 at the Bukit Kiara Equestrian Polo Field from 10am onwards!
Make sure not to miss out this exciting day and watch live on stage Peterpan, Slank, Ungu, Samsons, Sheila On 7, Dewi-Dewi and our favorite local acts like Hujan & Meet Uncle Hussein!
For more info, kindly visit or contact Ticketpro Hotline: +603 7880 7999
Source: Ticketpro
So, any takers?
Adlisyahril says: Do u think thousands of Indonesian will ruin the fun? Hmm... in Bukit Kiara?
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Coming soon. July 11th in the US. Malaysia? hmm... wait for it to be unlocked! hahaha
The ad mentions "half the price"?
Imagine that!
It'll be hot cake!
Check out the review by STUFF. The first journalist in the world who got his hands on the new IPHONE 3G!
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I decided to attend Rock on Rave a day before the event and I didn't plan to attend for both days.
Thank god.
First of all, I think the event was clashing with other big events. Summer Splash at Sunway Lagoon. I heard the event was damn packed! It took 2 hours to get to the pool from the ticket counter. Good bands performing at the party too such as Bittersweet and Couple. Another event was held on the same day also was Indie Fest at Ruums KL, offering better bands with cheaper price compared to Rock On Rave. Of course, The Click Five came to Malaysia on the same night too. Maybe their "music" is different but hey, it's still an event!
I was expecting something big from Rock On Rave! I thought that it would be a good substitute for Rock the World after I read the description in their Myspace;
"ROCKONRAVE: the brainchild of iseekmusic entertainment, will be Malaysia's first non stop music festival. Following the footsteps of music festivals in the western region; ROCKONRAVE boasts 2 giant stages facing each other on top of Cineleisure Damansara's rooftop, laser effects, rave like lighting, stunning visuals from Perezoldschool, hence the name ROCKONRAVE. "2 GIANT STAGES?
There was only one cheap wedding stage. Oh and 2 cheap canopies.
I am so disappointed.
The soundsystem was pretty bad but they did a good job on lightings. Owh, security was good. You can see them everywhere to control the event. Oh ya, what kind of event set up their security bars in front of the stage after 5 bands performed?
I think Republic of Brickfields, The Otherside Orchestra, Furniture and Komplot did rocked the crowd! They are the best among all! wohhoooo! Butterfingers... hmm, pretty decent. They played their old materials.
As for the DJ set, Shaheed Naz's set was really good. The beats & sounds of electroclash can never fail me to dance. Followed by Twilight Actiongirl dropping the Postal Service's Such Great Heights and made the crowd go "wohooo!". After 10 minutes, the organizer (Farez kot) made an announcement that they had to shut down the party due to complaints from i-don't-know-who.
Yes. I've got pissed!
Check out the photos below
Overall, the music was good but a less effort event management. It can be improve by putting more effort on the details. Hope to see a better Rock On Rave because I can see its potential.
Adli Syahril says: Try and get thousands of sponsors and make it a free event for the first trial like what Rock the World did for its first installment at One Utama's rooftop!
Read Fareezan's blog for his review of Rock On Rave.
p/s: I'm so sorry. I hate to criticize but I had to.
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It's 5am and I had a rough time renovating my blog.
It looks good to me.
What do you think?
p/s: More widgets will be added soon. sorry guys. i lost the links of the blogs
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Have you been to the IMAX theater before?
After 4 years of its launching in Malaysia, i still haven't seen any movie there yet.
Pity me.
FYI, the price has gone cheaper than before!
The day after my SPM, I wanted to try to watch the 3D movie but unfortunately, it was expensive.
RM20 to experience The Polar Express.
Last week, as I was walking around Times Square, KL.
I saw this ad about IMAX.
"Indiana Jones. RM11 (Adult), RM6 (Child). Wednesday RM7 (Adult), RM6 (Child)"
Wow. I was surprised to see the price. I thought IMAX was expensive!
Does the price decrease or is it just me being ignorant?
Well, I'm planning to see a movie in IMAX. At least once. Next week they'll be playing The Incredible Hulk on their giant screen!
Who wants to join me? hehehe...
*who wants to join u anyway, mr adli?*
Anyway, if you want to learn more about IMAX, check out this video! The IMAX presentation.
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Hey ya, guys!
Wondering why P Ramlee lives again?
It's the P Ramlee Musical season 2, you idiot!
The awesome play i have ever seen on stage!
And guess what?
It's my second time watching the play!
Yeah, it's true!
Kinda addicted to it.
If Tiara ever producing it again next year, don't be surprise to see me as the first person to get the tickets.
For the second season, I bought the tickets on the second day of its selling. *WHOAH! GILA SEMANGAT!*
Last year, my mum made her decision at the last minute and we got the top tier seating. Kinda far from our view but we did enjoyed it. So we didn't want to repeat the same mistake again. This year, we got our tickets 2 months in advanced! hahahah. 2nd of April to be exact.
You can read my post on the first season review here. *thanks Chedd for the comment!*
Unfortunately, the photos in the post has gone because i took it from another source. I guess the link has been removed! Sorry. :(
Anyway, let me point out my favorites.
1. Chedd has always been my favorite Sukardi character! :D
2. How can i forget the train scene to Tanjong Pagar? Loves it!
3. Emelda Rosmila proved me wrong! I love her acting and she sings very well too. She brought Azizah's character alive! *compared to Siti... hehehe*
4. Norizan's character. whoah... Melissa Saila's vocal has improved. I'm impressed. She sings very well. :D
5. Atilia. I love your vocal. The singing in the studio is always my favorite.
6. LIZA HANIM! I enjoy your character better this time. WHY? You look really beautiful and you act better compared to the first season. I see you as Saloma this time.
7. Musly Ramlee, you're the bomb! You brought P Ramlee ALIVE ON STAGE, man!
Hats off to the greatest production in the world! Enfiniti, well done.
I love the sets, costumes, songs, dance moves... everything about it.
It was a whole different experience eventhough some parts of the first season was taken off.
Would like to see some of the scenes? So let's check'em out. *source: Malaysia Central*
Owh man... I can't wait on the next Tiara's project. (Kalau ada la!) hehehe
So those who is still missing out the play, get your tickets now while it's still available!
Oh last one! I took the chance for a photo with Tiara! :D
source: Malaysia Central
The End.