The Story Begins...
The clock ticked at 4pm yesterday.
I was just finish watching Hitman with my friends in Mid Valley and then I received an SMS from Nisa, "Adli, Nisa ada extra ticket pergi Live & Loud. Nak tak?"
So, I agreed to follow her...
I was cranky because I really wanted to see K-Ci & Jojo.
"All My Life" was like my best hit when it was 1998.
The lyrics is still fresh in my mind up to now.
We (me, Nisa & Zack) entered Stadium Negara at 9pm. Taufik Batisah was performing that time. Our ticket was the Season Pass (a pass that can enter 2 nights of concert) and we have to sit at the most cheapest seat in the stadium. (DARN!!!)
During Lil G's performance, we were allowed to enter the RM192's seating but later on we went to the toilet. We realized that there were no one guarding the expensive seatings and the standing arena. So, we sneaked in to the standing arena and we survived! Yay!
Mint Condition was awesome. They know how to make the crowd SCREAMMMM!
By 12am, K-Ci & Jojo came on stage!
It was fabulous!
I love their performance.
10 years ago, I could only watch them on Billboard in TV3 but now, I can see them right in front of my eyes!
K-Ci was too cranky that night.
He took off his clothes one by one.
He ripped off his undershirt (a singlet) and threw it to the crowd.
He did a booty thingy to 10 girls.
It was so funny.
Alrite, we were quite disturbed when he played with his crotch while performing.
Not only that, he even did the "stroking" action, in and out.
K-Ci and Jojo sang Crazy, Tell Me It's Real & All My Life.
Well, I'm not really an R&B fan. So I only know those 3 tracks.
The concert was my first ever R&B concert in my life!
I didn't go for the Alicia Keys and Boyz II Men's concert.
So this is my first experience.
In fact, we were dancing through those soulful R&B songs.
Hey, they are not those pop R&B-ish like Beyonce, Kelly Rowland and Akon.
The show finished at 2am.
I got home at 3.30am
Thanks to Nisa once again for the ticket :)
Here are the photos of the concert.Nisa and Zack
Stockly of Mint Condition.
Waiting for K-Ci and Jojo! :P
*Adli in his new Billabong shirt*K-Ci and Jojo on stage
K-Ci ripped of his shirt
Shake ya ass!
K-Ci came down the stage
The encore; All My Life
The End
The Story Begins...
The Fly FM 2nd Anniversary Party!
It was one hell of a great party.
Hip-hop, pop, rock and trance.
All in one night.
I went there with my friends.
Fad, Azhar, Adam, Faridah, Amalyna, Abdullah (we described him as Dollah hitam so that we are not confuse him with Lah), and Adam's friend which I can't recall his name.
We got out of the house at 8pm, picked up some friends and we got there by 9pm.
Azhar drove his MPV and Abdullah drove his MyVi. Hey, it's the first time I hang out with Abdullah.
Alrite, Ahli Fiqir was performing when we got there. Well, I didn't bother at all because I was busy searching for people who kept sms-ing me asking "Where are you?" and my credit gone down to ZERO :(
Pity Juliana.
She had to go back early because her mother was worried of her especially after she received an SMS regarding the riot. So she went back with her sister and friends by 9.30pm.
I went back into the big oceans of crowd. Yeah!!!
Meet Uncle Ganja... oops, Meet Uncle Hussain on stage doing the "La La La Kerjalah" and "Lagu Untukmu".
And then,
When Noh said "Check, Check", we shouted "ROCK! ROCK!"
Hujan played Aku Skandal (Meninggalkanku Sendiri), MOSPAEDA (Lonely Soldier Boys), Pagi Yang Gelap and ended with Empayarmu. We were singing through their songs, jumping like monkeys and throwing fist in the air. Everybody went crazy! Even the fireworks were crazy too! hahahaha...
Hujan went off from the stage.
Transient Vortex came up and warm us up with their drum & bass, and breakbeat tunes. They even played the remix version of the 80's Shout by Tears For Fears. I became crazy with that tune. hahah! "SHOUT! SHOUT! Let it all out! These are the things I can do without! Come on! I'm talking to you, COME ON!"
Later on,
Jungle Jerry hit us all with his trance and progressive tunes. He played some familiar tunes such as RHCP's Otherside, Killers' Somebody Told Me and Fedde Le Grand's Put Your Hands Up For Detroit before Bass Agents pumping the stereos with more harder sounds of Tech-Trance and Hard-Trance.
This time,
only Didjital and Ganjaguru spin the deck for Bass Agents and Xt-Acid become their photographer! Hahahaha.
The first track was Baxx (their theme song). BAXX! BAXX! BAXX! BASS AGENTS.... (dang, dang, dang, dang). And then, they played Superstar DJ by Dark Oscillators and also Ganjaguru's Annihilating Rhythm. The crowd wanted more and they did an encore (encore la sangat...) with Cruz And The White tune entitled "Make It Faster". It's the hard-trance version of Daft Punk's Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger.
The set was short but it was really good!
I love the whole party thingy.
Good crowd.
It was great seeing many people dance to the beat.
I mean, people are actually dancing instead of shuffling.
Well, there are still shuffling kids at the side but many just "dance" in front of the stage.
Hmm, who did I met that night?
Khaleeq Sarfaraz and Faris (his friend who studied in UiTM Sabah). I assume they just came for Bass Agents. Faris statement to me "Kalau ada party, ko mesti ada kan?" hahahaha. No comment. It's the year of Visit Malaysia 2007. Of course, I won't miss any outdoor party! Call me crazy but it's true. :P
Aisyah and An. They came together from Baiduri Apartment section 7. We partied together with their college-mates and we sent both of them back home.
Anis, Julie, Joanne, their indian friend, Syafiq and his friend. I can't remember their name... Shit! I'm bad with names :P
They went to see a movie and partied with us later. But Julie and her party-mates had to go back early due to the reason given earlier in this post.
Erwan and the girlfriend.
Yeah, the world class photographer and the girlfriend played a fool of me! hahahha funny!
OMG, the whole Alam Megah shuffling clan but I only managed to say hi to Shuznain cuz he was walking towards us at that time. Others were crazy shuffling with the "RESISTANCE IS FUTILE" gang, the Hardstyle Republic. He hugged me and whispered to me, "KO JAHAT EK, ADLI!" I was laughing like crazy. Dude, Who's jahat now?
Oh ya, not to forget... Linda from Sri Aman. She did remembered me! :)
Good luck in your studies. hehehe (as if, she would read my crapshits.)
Zamy, Amalyna's brother. He has just pierce his lips. Was it for the event or what, young man?
Gosh, we really love the night!
Thanks to FlyFM for the great party!
Happy Birthday, Fly FM!
p/s: Kesian ada sorang budak Alam Megah tuh... Masuk suratkhabar pasal kena tangkap ngan RELA after the party.
The End
The Story Begins...
Tonight is my cousin's birthday eve.
I've just read his bulletin in friendster... Let me quote you his words...
kerja quotation yang bosan. Untung badan
office baru di Shah Alam telahpun habis
dikemas. Menanti waktu untuk membukanya
sahaja . Sampai bilakah harus bernaung di
bawah telunjuk bos?
Malam hari jadi. Mood kurang, kekasih
menyepi. Entah mengapa? Hati gundah ..
Hadiah hari jadi yang diberinya tempuh
hari masih disimpan baik di dalam peti
ais, menanti waktu untuk membukanya
bersam a. Tapi dia masih menyepi. Apakah
yang dilakukannya di waktu ini? Adakah
tekanan nya sudah tamat? Di manakah kau
wahai sang ratu hatiku?
Malam hari jadi. Ibu mengajak ku keluar
ke Bar. Kekurangan mood, jadi ku menolak
pelawaann ya. Dia memaksa lagi kerana
ingin melihat ku gembira. Aku menolak
jua. Sudah tentu hati seorang ibu
terusik kerana pelawaannya ditolak oleh
anak tunggalnya, memandangkan kami sudah
pun lama tidak menyambut harijadi ku
bersama. Bukan aku sengaja wahai ibu,
maafkanlah aku. Sesungguhnya aku terasa
Malam hari jadi. Umurku meningkat
setahun lagi, terlalu banyak yang di
dalam fikiranku, yang di dalam benak
sanubariku. Ketahuilah wahai yang
mengenali, aku sering gundah bila tiba
saat ini.
Malam hari jadi. Tinggal beberapa minit
sahaja lagi untukku meningkat usia. Dan
aku dapati kini aku semakin mudah
terasa. Barangkali juga kerana aku ingin
melangkah ke hadapan. Berdoalah untukku
wahai teman-teman semuga ku mencapai
ambisiku .
Muga kekal selamanya segala cita dan
harapan. Demi masa depan yang gemilang.
(Lagu latar: Bloodshed - Tangisan Salju
Di Khatulistiwa)"
Here's a wish for you.
When we are getting older, our life is not the same anymore.
It's time for us to step forward to the future.
p/s: His mom rocks! not a MILF... but she know how to rock your world!
The End
The Story Begins...
Hello everyone.
Thank you for reading more of my crappy shits.
When I was in form 5. I was one of the O.C. freak.
Yeah, that's right.
California, Phantom Planet, Mischa Barton is stupid, Seth Cohen smokes pot in the third season, Summer broke up with Seth become friends and then kiss and make up once again... Urghh! Whatever. I would say that I'm done with it. Entirely!
But Seth Cohen is still an icon! Not Ryan Atwood! Summer is HOT! Marissa is cold... COLD FISH!
Anyway, the O.C. has found its own ending with Seth and Summer got married, and Ryan becomes an architect. Don't ask about Marissa! You should know it already.
The O.C. is over.
Sounds like a chic' show?
Oh well, the formula is about the same as the O.C., One Tree Hill, and Laguna Beach but even more dramatic.
I've just watched the Pilot episode of the first season and I would say that it's good. The unpopular guy turns out popular after dating the most prominent name in the school who is hated by her best friend because she had sex with the boyfriend who has a stupid back-stabbing friend.
What a character?!
I think you guys should check it out yourself.
The End
The Story Begins...
Hello everyone.
Yesterday was the Pop Shuvit's Freakshow Tour at Ruums Club in Kuala Lumpur.
Live acts by Stylustiks, Phlowtron, Ahli Fiqir, They Will Kill Us All, Bittersweet and Hujan (to name a few) did their performance before Pop Shuvit came up on stage.
Me, Faridah and Amy (The Party Enthusiast) went there with Fiqah, Khaleeq and Amal. We were lining up at the front to enter Ruums. It was quite a long wait. We reached the place around 5.40pm and we started to line up at 6.00pm. We were allowed to enter after 7 something but hey, it was a good wait to be the first 50 to get the goodie bag! :P
The early performance was by Stylustiks, Phlowtron, and Dandee by Silk Sounds (Thailand). Unfortunately, the crowd that came for the show mostly are not into hip-hop. Sorry to the organizer for saying this but we are expecting this show to be like a mini Rock The World (since the rumors has said that there won't be any Rock The World for this year... Is rock dead?)
As for me, I love Stylustiks a lot... Their scratching and mixes is really something different. From the first time I'd seen them on stage at Recharge Revel4tion, Laundry Bar night, Recharge Revelation5 Global Gathering and Freakshow Tour, I really think that they are the best hip-hop DJ in town.
Later, the rockstars did their time rocking the crowd! They Will Kill Us All, Bittersweet and Hujan. They Will Kill Us All was so good... Yeah, that is what the crowd wants! I missed the first half of They Will Kill Us All because I went for a drink downstairs (hey, it's cheaper... I wouldn't miss the first 10 minutes if the organizer would give us free flows! hahaha). After I came back, wow! The crowd has gone crazy! The mosh pit was awesome. Hahaha... As usual, Adli would go their and go crazy too! I love the Bright Lights :) Anyway, congratulations to you guys for winning the AMP Big Break.
After their performance, everybody was chanting "BITTERSWEET! BITTERSWEET! BITTERSWEET!" like zombies. At that time, Pijie was standing next to me... Hahahah! Kelakar giler time tu... I was like "what the fuck?" hahaha! So me and Khaleeq gave him a big pat on his back and shouted like crazy! Great performance, guys! It was one of my very enjoyable moment. We were skanking crazily for A Perfect Match and Capital E.
Bittersweet did great but nothing can make the crowd go any crazier without having HUJAN on stage!!! Rudy and JJ announced HUJAN and made everybody shout their lungs out! They were fucking awesome! Excuse my french but they were fucking good! Even fucking is not as fucking good as them. Everybody sang along. Jumping up and down. Moshing as hard as they can. And shockingly, a guy fainted during Hujan's performance. Not funny, people. I think he was on drugs. His teeth was biting his lips and his eyes went white. Anyway, Hujan performed Gundah, MOSPAEDA (or Lonely Soldier Boys), Aku Skandal (or Meninggalkan Ku Sendiri), Pagi Yang Gelap, Empayarmu and Ludah Amerika.
Alrite. Rudy & JJ announced after Hujan's performance that below 18 years old has to leave the club and then, GUESS WHAT?
ALMOST EVERYONE LEFT THE PLACE! The club left with a hundreds something from thousands of people. But whatta heck, we just want to have fun. Joe Flizzow came up doing his Kartelo hello thingy with CrazyCarleed of Phlowtron, Ahli Fiqir did great too. I love Mawar Berduri's outfit.
One Buck Short performed a few songs too like That Day and Kelibat Korupsi. And then, POP SHUVIT pon naik la stage :D
Pop Shuvit did great :)
I love their latest songs. Like I have mention before, "not the same old shits!"
Hahhaha... Sorry guys but I really love your new stuffs. :)
I really enjoy it a lot.
They performed Freakshow, Suara Kaki Lima, Wannabe (from their Japan album version), "pump up the stereo" (i'm not sure with the title) and Jump. It was awesome.
Oh well, eventhough Jump is an old stuff but seeing John of Nervewreck was great. And Jump is also their trademark-song. So, it is a must. Hehehhee... Their sets of songs were almostt he same as the one in Recharge. Jakeman & Skelator (Pardon me if my spelling is wrong) played the percussion for them.
From my own point of view,
I think that the show should start earlier because not many people can stay until after midnight.
We were informed that the Freakshow tour will start at 4.00pm. But we could only enter the premise at 7pm. Lots of people were there since 3pm. Hujan finished their performance around 10.30pm. Lepas tuh underage takleh stay after Hujan's performance. They should start earlier so that people can go back early too. Another thing, the crowd filled with clubbers who wants to party after 11.30pm. Hmmm... Organizer, do something! Don't repeat the same mistake for the next tour. BE PUNCTUAL! Even Rock The World allowed the people to enter the stadium one hour before the show start.
Anyway, here are some photos of the event.
P/s: I would like to say sorry to Afiqah for what had happen to you on that night. Hope that you'll feel better soon, k. Maybe it's the god's challenge. Insya-Allah, you'll be a stronger person.
The End
The Story Begins...
Hello everyone,
thank you for reading another story from Adli Syahril.
Well, I know that everyone would think that I'm such a crap person on the Internet cuz I simply blog on things that are unrelated to me...
Urghh, whatever! I have a reason to crap... The reason is IT'S MY BLOG! hahahaha...
Anyway, let's get back to the main topic.
As what we all know,
Class A went to Port Dickson
Class C went to Port Dickson too
Class D went to Bagan Lalang
and now... class B! We went to BUKIT JELUTONG for our own class BBQ Party!
It was freaking awesome...
I'm listening to the latest Angels & Airwaves' album while browsing through the photos...
here are the photos of our BBQ dinner
Whatever it is... BOOMBASTIC Bee's THE BOMB!
The End
p/s: for more photos, check out