The Story Begins...
Lapsap finally found their new residency at Barsonic and their night will be happening every month named "WOW!"
Besides WOW!, their other brand night will be once a month titled "LapSap & Co."
There you have it. 2 LapSap night in a month!
The WOW! launch were supposedly to have the indie band from UK, Mystery Jets, as their main act of the night for their DJ set but unfortunately, their flight were cancelled due to unforseen circumstances.
Anyways, Jet Law from Zouk said that they will replace another date for their special gig. Date and time will be announce soon.
Whatever it is, LapSap rocked the house. At least we all did not regret for not going to ZoukOut. hehehe :P
Check out the photos...
We gave ourselves a pat on our backs with the "WOW" feeling. Good job, guys!
The End
Dec 16, 2008
After Party
she's pretty.