The Story Begins...
What is your activity in the month of Ramadhan?
The packed daily schedule, overflown assignments, lack of sleep and tons of mid-term test at the moment.
How can I survive this Ramadhan?
Up to now, i haven't miss any puasa. Alhamdulillah.
Let's check out some photos of the first week of Ramadhan in UiTM! hahaha
Khaleeq looks tired and bored of the class. "Who the hell is presenting? It's pointless plus boring!"
Myra enjoy text-ing in class since forever... Even in the month of Ramadhan, she gossips through the phone.
Mia became an angel when it comes to puasa. Rajin akak kita belajar. She couldn't care less of the two love birds next to her.
So tell me.
How's your puasa?
Selamat Berpuasa everyone.
The End
Sep 6, 2008
seriously, degree ni hampir buat aku meltdown...
time2 tgh penat la nk cramp kan test...
biase la tu nanti lama2...
happy puasa adli...