The story begins...
Me and a friend went to KLCC for a movie... We saw Pursuit Of Happyness.
A great movie acted by Will Smith. He's nominated for best actor in the Oscar.
Hopefully he could win. He's a single father in that movie.
I saw someone who I have a crush on.
She didn't see me...
I saw her with someone. They were holding hands.
I thought she didn't have a boyfriend.
We always text each other.
So, i text her right after I saw her.
She said that she is in KLCC!
So, it's her then...
I was quite disappointed...
not quite.. but very..
I was blind! Stupid me!
Another topic...
The end
The story begins...
Hi everyone!
For today's story, I'm going to express more on my feelings about my surroundings.
I have some friends who thinks that my success is like a big challenge for them.
And after they succeed it, they rub it to my face. It's like, "HEY YOU, I WIN! YOU LOSE!"
For example, someone call my number and simply to say... "Hey, we are almost reaching to the finish line! Where are you now?"
So I said, "Owh, I'm 15KM behind you... Still got a long way to go."
And that person said it to everyone there, "They are still far.. hahahhaha"
Gosh... Sometimes, I can lost my confidence to be a successful person. That's the reason why most people said that I'm being too nice to people until it killed me.
For your information, I don't give a damn now about you and your attitude!
I'm prefer to be label as a LOSER and NO LIFE!
Because that is what you want, right? Better life than mine...
Go ahead and leave me if you want to... Don't include me anymore!
I had migraine for few days because of that bloody assignment.
I'm not a crybaby, I'm not giving up.
Think you are cool enough? Go ahead and try me.
I don't care about your life, WANNABE!
The end.
The story begins...
Tomorrow would be the day where I should present my current issue in Malaysia. I've chosen the case of Altantuya's murder. Today, I went to the National Library for my last preparation which I haven't got any newspaper article about the case. (Hehehe... I found a website that gave me full detail of the case...)
Everything's done... I just need to do a few touch ups... :)
Hey, Judge Jules replied my e-mail!! I was so happy to see him spin in Sunway Lagoon for the pre-New Year party!
Hi there Adli
Thanks very much for your mail. I hope I’m invited back to KL really soon, as I had a fantastic time. It was such an awesome event. I don’t believe I’ve got any further Malaysian bookings as we speak, but hopefully something should materialise before too long.
All the best,
Thanks Jules for replying my e-mail! You are awesome!!!
The Story Begins...
Hello everyone, today I'm going to talk about my personal issue that I'm facing.
How to start...
Have you ever think that you want to this and you want to do that?
Let's take drawing as an example. I always wanted to draw beautiful pictures.
I want to try to be an artist but I can't... I couldn't even hold the pencil in the right way.
I really want to give it a shot... but I'm just not talented eventhough I have the passion.
People start to laugh back at me. For me being a loser...
Should I continue doing it? So that I could fulfill my passion? or just to let them laugh back at me?
People would think that Adli Syahril is a stupid person or maybe that some people didn't realize that they treat me stupidly? I can easily detect the mistakes in every conversation I have with my friends... Seriously, there are lots of it! They didn't realize it but I did... It hurts me so bad.
I know that I am not pious... but does it have to be a very big issue for you? I'm a bad person and I'm incapable of doing things... Yes, NOT PERFECT
Lots of people always sees me as a happy person and didn't care about the problem that I'm facing. Actually, I try to act happy so that I won't show my depress feelings and it hits back at me.
Again... and again
I am trying to be the best but I couldn't... I'm plainly not perfect.
Nobody even sees me at my best.
Even if they did, they'll found out soon... and they'll leave me.
Sorry... for not being perfect
The End.
The Story Begins...
Khadijah and Niesa picked me up from PJ...
We went to KLIA together pasal Azrina nak fly to Brisbane, Australia.
Everybody was there... I mean those who are close to her...
the pussymates, pj boys, seaparkians, LKW peeps...
History of me and Azrina...
1. Got to know her when I was 6 years old... She was my cousin's classmate in primary school. Got to know her through him la.
2. We became close during secondary school. First time pergi KLCC ngan member... dia ada skali!
3. Always hanging on the phone since form 1... sampai both of us nyer bill kene potong! Anis too! hahaha...
4. Form 4... 1st time gi clubbing together! It was bliss dekat twelveSI. Dengan kakak dia skali.. it was DJ Cosmo.
5. We started to go clubbing together since then... she got her license and kitorg gi clubbing almost every weekend. It was me, her and Niesa.
6. Teman dia gi education fair every year...
7. Layan gig together...
8. Pergi Distortion, Rock The World together...
9. We are crazy fuckers!!!
10. My friends thought that we are cousins... :)
Azrina, if you are reading this... you are a very good friend. We do have problems with each other some time but people make mistakes... I really miss the old days... those crazy moments in KLCC, Bukit Bintang... We were celebrities' groupies! hahaha... RUFFEDGE SUCKS! Ada Apa Dengan Cinta beggars... AF freako! not to forget... INCUBUS!
Make us proud... We want to see u success in the future.. :) We will always love ya!The picture of me and her before boarding
The End
The Story Begins...
Last Friday,
I received a phone call from my cousin, Lin.
She said, "Adli, atok dah meninggal!"
I was like "DAH MENINGGALLL???"
We were supposed to visit him on the next day because we couldn't make it the week before.
Lin visited him the week before he passed away.
She said that our atok couldn't speak, couldn't eat for 2 weeks.
Even the doctor tak dapat masuk air to his body.
So, kitorg tak dapat balik kampung on friday tuh jugak because i have my industrial visit to Astro for AC Di Sini and Azrina's farewell dekat Heritage Row. My father also working till late night.
Kitorg gerak on Saturday morning. Got back from the farewell party at 6am, and blah to Tapah at 7am.
Last night,
I received a call from my mum.
My grandmother pulak meninggal....
I was in kandang at that time with Isham, Israq, Fido, Zack, Fariza and Aini.
I almost cried because the night before, I talked to Ilya about death.
Iylia's dad just passed away, my great grandma passed away a month before, my friend's friend's grandpa just passed away too... and now? Two of my family member!
Tetiba jer aku teringat kat nenek aku from my father's side...
She's another person in my family which I respect the most.
Dia masuk hospital TWICE because she had her usus tersumbat.
Dia pakai bag to urine... and she had a very long operation for that...
Anis called the other day. She heard about it and it's possible for my grandma to have a colon cancer.
Hopefully that my grandma will recover soon...
Just have to pray for her.
Al-fatihah to those who has just passed away...
The End