The Story Begins...
Yay, PTPTN dah masuk!
Ok, aku dah beli an external hard disk, a pen drive and MP3 player...
Lepas tuh beli buku, bayar hutang and segalanya tak hengat...
Last Wednesday also baru pergi KL. Got myself a new Vans shoe, and 2 t-shirts.
hehehe... So what else? Owh ya, for sure... I'll spend it on my assignments!
I will make sure that the money will finish by the end of semester... NOT before the end! What a bad way of spending the money... (no surplus is also a bad way too!)
Ok, I'm sure that I'll use it for the upcoming PitParty... Heard that Marcel Woods and Alphazone will be coming here!
anyway, just got msg from my fren who studying in UK.
She said that gambar aku masuk kat dalam hotlink nyer website untuk velocity event ari tuh! hahahaha
here is the picture!
The end.
Music is the cure for stress. Shut up and just dance. 'Nuff said. Dump your junk at
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haha ceria muka anda..hahahahaha