
Music is the cure for stress. Shut up and just dance. 'Nuff said. Dump your junk at adlisyahril@hotmail.com.


The Story Begins...

"The new layout for the new year!"

Hey guys!
Welcome to the new layout of my blog.

This time, you may see and click through the links on top of the page to see the content that you are desired.

1. Advance Warning - to keep yourself update on the upcoming party, events, concert or anything hip happening around town!

2. Blog Thing - this is the section where i will be talking /crapping about myself. my daily life, the ups and downs that i've been through and some shits that u don't bother to know. hahahaha!

3. After Party - In this section, you'll find reviews and photos of any recent event that I went. I'm not good at writing review but i just loveeeee doing it! hihihihi

Will put more sections as many plannings are still on its way. Just need to think how to organize these stuffs.

Anyway, the site is not fully complete. I need to think where to arrange the old widgets, tho'!
BUT... Enjoy your stay! :)

Thank you for supporting.

The End