The Story Begins...
The wait is over. After 6 years touring the globe, Paramore finally making a stop on our soil. Expensive tickets? Cry your heart out 'cause 8,000 fans were there and believed the concert was worth more than what they have paid.
The Story Begins...
With S$68 for one night event, I got to see two of my favorite acts Chemical Brothers and Empire of the Sun. Sweet little trip to Singapore that left me with the best party experience ever... even though we missed the first night.
The Story Begins...
The man behind one of the biggest banger of the year Bart B More will be shaking the ground of Zouk KL in November. Throw your fist up and scream!
The Story Begins...
Reminisce the fun times 'cause Johan Gielen is back this November! Expect another powerful set as he will take you to the most euphoric musical journey ever. Don't you bail on this one!
The Story Begins...
Whew... We'll be seeing Paramore live in Kuala Lumpur in less than 2 weeks. Now let's watch some of my favorite live videos from the band to get you into the mood!